
Elon Musk's Hefty Anti-LIDAR Gamble Undermines Tesla Chances Of Survival - Forbes

A self-driving driverless autonomous car, should it have LIDAR or not? That is the question.


Readers have asked me to augment my remarks about Tesla's Investor Autonomy Day, in which I had indicated Elon Musk decidedly and antagonistically threw down the gauntlet to bolster his stance questioning the use of LIDAR (a type of sensor that uses light and radar). In fact, he hurled the gauntlet right into the face of the rest of the autonomous car industry and those that make the devices.

In short, Musk has unequivocally become the defacto head of camp anti-LIDAR.

Keep in mind that nearly all other driverless car makers are incorporating the use of LIDAR in their vision systems. Furthermore, tech companies that already make the sensors or that are developing LIDAR units have blossomed recently, amounting to over 80 such innovative firms (per SAE's Automotive Engineering magazine indication), and have unabashedly attracted VC/PE monies readily.

You’ve got one voracious trumpeter bleating to the hills that LIDAR is verboten, taking an overt and highly visible anti-LIDAR posture, and then just about everyone else embracing LIDAR for autonomous cars. And though sometimes a contrarian can be right, they are often also as likely to be wrong, maybe more so.

It’s now become an undeniably sizable gamble by Musk and a humongous bet that could ultimately undermine Tesla’s chances of survival, which I’ll explain herein.

How Did We Get Here

Prior to his extremely vitriolic anti-LIDAR proclamation, Musk had generally been a bit more muted about his position (muted is a relative term).

Let’s go back in time to eons ago, early 2018, perhaps considered many dog-years long now past though only about one year ago, and realize that he had argued that LIDAR was overly expensive, bulky, and he viewed it as a kind of crutch, though he also had conceded: “Perhaps I am wrong, and I will look like a fool. But I am quite certain that I am not.”

On April 22, 2019 (Tesla’s Investor Autonomy Day), the world seemed to be quite a different place, in terms of Elon’s opinion about LIDAR, becoming shall we say less-reserved and more adamant, here’s what he proclaimed: “LIDAR is a fool’s errand. Anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed. Doomed!”

Mildly, one could assert that he has opted to double-down on his bet.

Earlier, he had hedged just a tad, offering the possibility that LIDAR might be of value. Now, he’s become the anti-LIDAR proclaimer, using his loudspeaker to declare LIDAR as null-and-void. Worse still, his remarks assert that others using or investing in LIDAR for autonomous cars are foolhardy in doing so, presumably wasting money, time, energy, and their spirits on a (he suggests) condemned technology.

Musk often takes the air out of a room, but this one was especially rough, leaving others in the autonomous car industry to gasp, though given the oft-used hyperbole arising from Tesla and Musk, it wasn’t a surprise for those already used to his at-times outrageous (bold?) decrees.


To clarify, LIDAR has been that bulbous-like cap that you’ve undoubtedly seen sitting on the top of autonomous cars.

It shoots out light beams, the light beams bounce off of nearby objects, the returning beams are then collected up by the LIDAR unit. This is akin to radar and allows for the measurement of distances to objects, within the range of the LIDAR device being used. The AI system of the autonomous car then interprets the collected data to try and figure out what objects are nearby, along with the shapes of the objects, their amount of movement over time, their direction or heading, and so on.

When most of the autonomous car makers got started with devising driverless cars, they tended to include LIDAR units into their overall AI system for the cars. Musk is right about the notion that the LIDAR units were earlier costly and bulky, but that’s somewhat like living in the past since advances in tech have brought the costs remarkably down and the sizes are remarkably smaller too. In fact, so much so that many of the driverless cars now have multiple LIDAR units and you can barely notice them.

It is much harder these days to bolster the anti-LIDAR argument by the claims of the bulkiness of LIDAR units and also of the costliness of LIDAR units. Doing so is one of those waving of the hands kind of arguments that don’t particularly hold water anymore, though some continue to cling to it anyway. Let’s set aside that part of the argument as worn torn and increasingly being less relevant.

Instead, consider an ongoing technical argument underway in the halls of autonomous car makers and researchers about the merits of LIDAR versus cameras, and the anti-LIDAR camp that wants to assert that cameras are sufficient by themselves and that LIDAR is not needed.

In essence, some say that since humans use only their eyes when driving, and cannot shoot light beams from their heads, maybe this implies that cameras-alone are sufficient and that LIDAR is unnecessary (the classic retort is that humans only have legs, so presumably cars should have legs rather than wheels, pointing out that solely mimicking human features is not really much of a valid argument per se).

What immediately undercuts the key point of cameras-only is that nearly everyone seems to agree to-date that using radar is an essential partner to the use of cameras. Even Musk allowed that this was the case for Tesla and indeed Tesla cars are outfitted with radar. If that’s the case, then it becomes a debate about presumably whether to use conventional radar versus LIDAR, since the door has already been opened to agreeing that radar of some kind is warranted, rather than being preoccupied with the LIDAR versus cameras dialogue.

Taking us more deeply into the acrimonious debate, the usual reply by the cameras-only camp is that conventional radar is merely a temporary bridge and once the cameras are good enough, apparently the radar will not be needed or will be considered a mere convenience of availability. They often toss into their points the notion that radar is less expensive than LIDAR and less bulky, but as I’ve already alluded to herein, those offhand comments won’t stand the test of time.

Why This Anti-LIDAR Is A Hefty Gamble

I assert that these back-and-forth arguments are missing some rather fateful aspects that have an even greater weight on the future of autonomous cars and especially those driverless cars in the anti-LIDAR encampment.

When an autonomous car gets into an accident, which mark my words will happen, you can be further assured that lawsuits will be filed. I’ve previously described that one of the key elements of such lawsuits will be what did the autonomous car maker do as part of the design, building, and fielding of their self-driving car, and particularly how did they seek to ensure safety and reliability.

For Tesla, if pressed by a lawsuit, they will need to defend in court their decision to not use LIDAR. As you can imagine, Tesla will be on rather shaky ground if it is shown that essentially all other autonomous cars are using LIDAR. The burden to explain and justify the lack of LIDAR on Tesla’s is going to be mighty steep.

And, more damming, I’ve pointed out many times that Musk’s assertion that the cost of LIDAR is “expensive” will put Tesla into even murkier waters, bringing to the forefront a cost-related issue.

Assuming that people have died in the car accident, the question will be pointedly what was the cost of a LIDAR unit at the time and its incorporation into a driverless car, versus the cost of the human lives that were lost. Traditional automakers know by the school-of-hard-knocks that juries and judges take a dim view on matters involving cutting corners that can be attributed to a less safe or less reliable vehicle (recall the famous Pinto case and the clamor over the cost of safety versus the cost of human lives).

The Tesla position would presumably be that the addition of LIDAR would not have materially avoided the car accident and loss of lives, but this is going to be tough to showcase since in theory any use of LIDAR is going to incrementally improve the safety odds, assuming it is used wisely, and so it’s another part of the uphill climb by Tesla to avoid getting summarily dinged for their lack of LIDAR.

They also cannot make the argument that they did not know about LIDAR or were somehow unaware of it, which is quite obviously not the case, including that their self-offered anti-LIDAR rhetoric acting as their own admission that they knew about LIDAR and made a deliberate decision to intentionally exclude it.


Even if Musk were tomorrow to change his mind and opt to switchover to the LIDAR camp, Tesla has repeatedly stated that Tesla cars already have the necessary hardware for autonomous capabilities. This implies that Tesla would be on-the-hook to outfit Tesla’s with LIDAR, after-the-fact, retrofitting them all, a very costly and logistically unimaginable ordeal, if they had an epiphany and utter change-of-heart about LIDAR.

In brief, Tesla is now painted into a tight corner.

They cannot readily climb out of the anti-LIDAR mode into the LIDAR adopters group, and when it comes time to defend themselves in court, it is going to be easier to explain to juries and judges that Tesla omitted something that everyone else is using and for which it might well have contributed to avoiding the accident and deaths, in comparison to Tesla trying to argue that they did just fine without LIDAR (plus, mired in explaining why they scrimped presumably on cost, implying some kind of cost-versus-human-lives calculus was involved).

If that kind of case occurs and goes against Tesla, or even if it merely raises awkward questions about the safety of Tesla cars in-absence of having LIDAR, it could stir public opinion on driverless cars that are lacking in LIDAR and even spark regulators into action.

Anyway, it’s quite an interesting bet that Musk and Tesla are making and the roll of the dice is already underway.

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