
Maybe You Should Buy Tesla [TSLA] Stock Instead Of Toilet Paper (Video) - CleanTechnica

March 23rd, 2020 by  

I’m one of the extremely lucky ones on this planet to have been sent home with full pay during this coronavirus pandemic. I sit in the quiet isolation of my home and watch the world through my digital tools, and I’m puzzled by what I see — on many levels — ranging from toilet paper to trading stocks.

Let me be clear on one point: I consider myself extremely privileged to live in one of the Nordic countries, with multi-party governments that seem to be able to signal an unusual calm attitude compared to the rest of the world, despite the fact that they use traditional media outlets. These media are otherwise showing their perfect ability to spread fear, uncertainty, and panic these days. My heart goes out to those in world who cannot enjoy such a system of economic and health security, who scramble to try to not succumb in this global event.

The Danish government has show unprecedented cooperation across the line. In particular, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (you know, the nasty woman who told Trump that Greenland was not for sale) has displayed statesmanship that I have never seen before. These are the times that will show if political models like in the Nordic — where conservatives and liberals actually communicate — will be of any use.

Remedies to mitigate the negative impact of the current crisis are negotiated at a blistering pace and implemented ahead of the curve unanimously among all parties, and it is literally leaving all citizens of this country in a state of awe, calm, and unity, to a degree that my 94 year old great-aunt has not witnessed the like of since World War II.

Now I work from home, supporting a small team of my colleges at the institute of forensic medicine, to make sure IT systems are running smoothly to make their hard and risky work as easy as possible. As you can imagine, at a workplace where death is the norm, data is of vital importance to the living.

And speaking of data, the kind of data I follow with interest these days are of course the vital signs of those in the auto industry that manufacture electric vehicles (could not care less about those who don’t). The main reason being that the number of EVs on the roads is inversely proportional to the number of premature deaths caused by air pollution in the world, which by the way still kills more people yearly by orders of magnitude than the coronavirus will ever do.

I would therefore like to see any automaker that is serious about EVs come out of this crisis stronger, but needless to say, I think one automaker in particular has the best chances of doing so: Tesla.

I’m really bad at putting things like a pandemic in perspective in regard to the world economy, so I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately trying to make sense of what is going on and how this novel global event will change the world. I actually never planned to write anything about this, but when I came across this very sharp narrative on the situation, with emphasis on the Tesla situation, I just had to share it. From this video by Steven Mark Ryan from his channel Solving the Money Problem, I for one am optimistic about the EV revolution becoming no less revolutionary:

I had never heard any of Steven’s analyses before, but he strikes me as a guy worth listening to. Now, I’m not going to tell you what I have done, or what you should do, other than please stay as calm as you can, but here are some great quotes from Steven to lure you into seeing the whole 12 minute video:

“Your reason of logic has gone out the window and your reptile brain is completely in charge. This is a great way to make bad decisions.”

“The mantra of the news media is, ‘if it bleeds, it leads.’ I stopped watching television 15 years ago.”

“Disruptive companies do best in recessions.”

“I’m trying to be a beacon of reason in this storm of stupidity.”

“I don’t want you to buy or sell anything because of this video, I just want you to think instead of react.”

“Is your amygdala in charge or are you?”

“It’s not like Elon died, guys. Relax!”

In the video Steven uses the recent panic buying of toilet paper, where people literally fistfight over a few rolls, to make the point crystal clear, which in my words is: Don’t panic. Think. Our inner brains think we still live in the stone age. Well, here’s the thing — we don’t. 

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About the Author

Jesper had his perspective on the world expanded vastly after having attended primary school in rural Africa in the early 1980s. And while educated a computer programmer and laboratory technician, working with computers and lab-robots at the institute of forensic medicine in Aarhus, Denmark, he never forgets what life is like having nothing. Thus it became obvious for him that technological advancement is necessary for the prosperity of all humankind, sharing this one vessel we call planet earth. However, technology has to be smart, clean, sustainable, widely accessible, and democratic in order to change the world for the better. Writing about clean energy, electric transportation, energy poverty, and related issues, he gets the message through to anyone who wants to know better. Jesper is founder of

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