
Exclusive: Tesla update 2022.28 adds ability to minimize Tesla Theater [video] - Not a Tesla App

Future Feature

By Nuno Cristovao

With update 2022.28 Tesla is making improvements to Tesla Theater

Tesla releases a major update every four weeks that contains improvements and new features for their vehicles.

Tesla is known for rolling out updates slowly. This helps them reduce risk and give customers the most stable build possible.

The majority of Tesla owners are now on one of the 2022.20 updates (20th week of 2022), while others are on 2022.24 which includes the transition to Tesla Vision for some radar-equipped vehicles, Tesla cloud profiles and more.

We now have our first look at one of the major features in 2022.28.

With 2022.28 Tesla is introducing the ability to minimize a video in Tesla Theater. This will allow you to reduce the size of the video that's playing so that you can access other car functions.

Tesla first introduced Tesla Theater with Netflix and YouTube in its v10 release back in 2019. Tesla Theater allows Premium Connectivity subscribers to watch streaming services such as Disney+ while their vehicle is parked. You can also watch streaming videos without Premium Connectivity if you're connected to Wi-Fi.

In Tesla Theater you have a quick actions bar that lets you access some vehicle functions when the screen is tapped, however, the functions offered are fairly limited.

If you want to turn on your seat heater, open your trunk, or access any other vehicle functions, then you're stuck having to exit the video app, perform the function you wanted, reload the app and find your video again. It can be a slow and painful process.

Depending on what you're trying to access, one option is to use the Tesla app, however now with 2022.28 you will now be able to minimize the video that's currently playing in order to perform other functions.

When playing a video in full screen, there will be a new minimize icon at the top left corner that allows you to reduce the size of the video that's currently playing.

With update 2022.28 Tesla is making improvements to Tesla Theater

When you tap the button in a Model 3 or Model Y, it will continue to play the video in a smaller size on the right portion of the screen, where maps usually lie. This will expose the vehicle's bottom menu and the car visualization area, giving you access to open the frunk, trunk, door locks and more. You'll now be able to perform most functions without ever having to stop the video.

Tapping on the video will bring it back to full screen.

For owners who often rely on Tesla Theater for entertainment, this will be a huge improvement and makes Tesla Theater much more usable.

The animation when the video is minimizing and maximizing stuttering a little bit, although it's perfectly usable and it's likely limited by the CPU in the vehicle. We expect that this will be much smoother on newer vehicles with MCU 3.


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Tesla is currently not rolling out update 2022.28 to customers as it's in later testing phases. However, 2022.28 may start rolling out to select customers in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye on our software update pages or subscribe to our newsletter.

By Gabe Rodriguez Morrison

Tesla increases the price of FSD

Tesla has officially raised the price of its FSD package to $15,000 in the U.S. Elon Musk announced on August 21st that the price of FSD would be increasing on September 5th, after the release of FSD Beta 10.69.2.

Although Tesla has yet to release FSD Beta 10.69.2, the current beta, has started going out to additional testers.

The FSD package increased by $3,000 in the U.S., a 25% increase, while in Canada it has also increased, but by a much larger percentage. FSD in Canada now costs $19,500 CAD, up a whopping 50%.

This is the second price increase of FSD this year. In January Tesla also raised the price of FSD to $12,000, up from $10,000 (historical prices of FSD). FSD has seen significant increases in the last few years. In April 2019 FSD cost only $5,000, but it saw several price increases that year.

Tesla introduced FSD Beta in Canada in March of this year with FSD Beta 10.11.1.

We can expect similar price increases in other regions as Tesla rolls out FSD Beta to Europe later this year.

The price of Enhanced Autopilot, which Tesla recently reintroduced in the U.S. stayed the same at $6,000, however, in Canada it also saw a price hike. EAP now costs $7,800 in Canada.

Not surprising, many Tesla owners are unpleased with the price increase, considering that city-level Autopilot is still not widely available and requires being accepted into Tesla's beta program.

Without being enrolled in the FSD Beta program, FSD only grants access to Traffic lights and Stop Sign Control in addition to the capabilities of Basic Autopilot, and Enhanced Autopilot. All new Teslas include Basic Autopilot, which includes Traffic-Aware Cruise Control (TACC) and lane keeping. Enhanced Autopilot, a $6,000 option, adds several key features such as Navigate on Autopilot, Auto Lane Change, Autopark, Summon, and Smart Summon.

Beta has been going out to more testers and is currently on about 7% of all tester vehicles., with another few percent having a pending install. Elon projects FSD Beta 10.69.2 to release by the end of this week. FSD Beta is still expected to become widely available to everyone that has purchased or subscribed to FSD before the end of the year.

By Lennon Cihak

Tesla added frunk opening and closing animation

A recently released update of Tesla’s mobile app suggests that the automotive company could add a powered frunk to their vehicles.

Interestingly, Tesla added a close animation to the frunk, indicating that powered frunks may be just around the corner. In the previous version of the app, version 4.11.2, there was only an open animation. Tapping on the frunk quick action button again did not close it. However, with version 4.12 tapping on the frunk button again will 'close' the frunk, at least in the visualization. After a few seconds in the closed state, the visualization goes back to an open frunk.

In contrast, the trunk on a Model 3 that is not powered does not have a close animation when tapping the 'trunk' button again.

In this app update, Tesla also removed the confirmation to open the frunk when you are in close proximity of the vehicle, which could lead to accidental openings.

Version 4.12 of the mobile app also added tire pressure details, but it requires version 2022.24+ to be installed on your vehicle in order for it to work. Owners are now able to view the last known tire pressures directly in the app. In order to preserve battery life of the wireless pressure gauges in each wheel, the tire pressure is only transmitted while the vehicle is in motion.

Since Tesla does not currently offer a powered frunk option, many owners have taken it upon themselves to add one to their vehicle.

In early 2020, Tesla added a powered trunk to its “refreshed” Model 3. The powered trunk can be opened and closed via Tesla’s mobile application, as well as in the vehicle.

Tesla app update 4.12 adds a handful of undocumented features such as displaying the number of miles driven on Autopilot if you have Tesla's Safety Score and more. Be sure to check out the complete release notes for the update.

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